====== Welcome to Spelltron! ====== Spelltron is a competitive single player top-down mage shooter, where you play as one of three powerful spellcaster classes in a battle of survival against an onslaught of thousands of monsters. \\ \\ This website mostly serves as a private internal wiki and home page for GBU. However this is also the public landing page as it is our only website for the project at this time. This means we will keep the community informed with news and updates on this page. If you are interested in testing Spelltron, or would like to leave any comments, visit [[contact|contact form]].\\ {{public:spelltron.png?184:170}}\\ \\ ====== News ====== =====09-03-21===== ===Delayed Pre-Alpha Build Still Coming=== \\ Our Pre-Alpha (Milestone 1) release date was not met due to a great amount of life circumstance, but progress is still being made. Pre-Alpha goals are being adjusted. We have even begun adding structure for Necromancer and Enchanter classes as part of the code reorganization process. Also an issue with V-sync was discovered, causing massive idle time latency spikes on Ryzen/W10 systems, independent of how many 1000s of mobs are on the screen at once. V-sync off (engine and system) seems to be the answer for now, running the game over 200fps to take full advantage of fast refresh rates without negative V-sync latency penalties.\\ \\ See [[alphapush|Alpha Push]] for updated project planning.\\ \\ \\ =====06-03-21===== ===Upcoming Pre-Alpha Version Release 06-24-21 Scheduled=== \\ This release will be the first milestone reached on the journey towards the Spelltron Alpha build.\\ \\ Refer to [[alphapush|Alpha Push]] for more details.\\ \\ \\ =====10-23-20===== ===Release 10.23.20 Reagent Preview has been uploaded to the Playtest channel!=== \\ ==New features:== -Introducing the Reagent System! Collect item drops from mobs and explore different volatile combinations of reagents that create destructive magical explosions and effects.\\ ==Fixes:== -Mob movement has been tweaked.\\ -Power spec AoE increase has been reduced to stop it from breaking the game.\\ -SoW has been greatly boosted.\\ ==Other Additions:== -New less sonic mushroom pickup noises\\ -Various new splosion SFX\\ -Sonic speed up moved to SoW for now\\ ==Known Issues:== -Dual casting is possible and needs to be blocked\\ -SoW is stackable on itself, which is OP as fuck.\\ -Casting while charging is possible still which is also OP as fuck.\\ -Lizardmen are stacking excessively, giving AoE a huge advantage.\\ -Occasionally the UI disappears at launch of new game (restart program if happens)\\ -Super does not trigger anything yet because the ability has not been defined yet\\ -Pulse reagent combo (2tail/1shard) causes stacked audio imbalance, seems a bit weak\\ ==Other Notes:== The next version will focus on refining the spellcasting system.\\