home [shad0s]

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home [2020/08/08 06:05]
home [2021/09/07 06:24] (current)
kenji [shadowempi.re community]
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 Information will be gathered here at shad0s.tech to support the dark lifestyle - SN3T design standards, light spectrum analysis, dark UI customization, VR/AR/display tech, IT guides, audio gear, light blocking techniques, and the blog site for all things darkness related.  Links to the shadowempi.re community exist here as well.  Information will be gathered here at shad0s.tech to support the dark lifestyle - SN3T design standards, light spectrum analysis, dark UI customization, VR/AR/display tech, IT guides, audio gear, light blocking techniques, and the blog site for all things darkness related.  Links to the shadowempi.re community exist here as well. 
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 **Kenji's Blog - [[Blog]]**\\ **Kenji's Blog - [[Blog]]**\\
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-Also if you have any need for technology services see what we have [[services|For Hire]]. \\ 
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 ==== Latest News==== ==== Latest News====
-After 5+ years in conception, shad0s will finally be launching in 2020.  Note: It's almost 2021.+After 5+ years in conception, shad0s will finally be launching in 2020.  Note: It's almost 2021.  //Double note: It's pushing 2022.// You know what is moving along nicely?  [[Spelltron:home]]\\
 ==== shadowempi.re community ==== ==== shadowempi.re community ====
-Join our Matrix chat community, home server https://shadowempi.re  Invitation only.+Join our Matrix chat community, home server https://shadowempi.re  (Invite only, send your username to [[https://www.instagram.com/shad0s/|@shad0s]])
 ==== Help support darkness ==== ==== Help support darkness ====
-Sub to the youtube channel please.  That's the best way at the moment.  Oh and help spread the word to any dark friendly friends.+Subscribe to the [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3PUecXc5lCxbsSjiCuR2ZQ|YouTube channel]] which will help us get those first 100 subs to secure our foothold in the YouTube universe  
 ==== Social Media ==== ==== Social Media ====
-Follows my personal Instagram, [[https://www.instagram.com/shad0s/|@shad0s]], or check the [[https://twitter.com/shad0s_official|shad0s_official]] twitter for status updates.+Follows my personal Instagram, [[https://www.instagram.com/shad0s/|@shad0s]], or check the [[https://twitter.com/shad0s|@shad0s]] twitter for status updates.
home.1596866702.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/08/08 06:05 by fsian